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Mandelbulber landscape challenge entry settings

Writer's picture: nepenthesslothnepenthessloth

Nepenthes Sloth enjoys using the amazing mandelbulber fractal generating software to create the alien landscapes you see on most of the videos and images. I’m also proudly a patron of the development. My favourite facebook page (after my own of course!) is the Mandelbulber group. Very helpful and friendly admin and members. Every 2-3 weeks they run a challenge on a theme. It's done as a friend competition but it's more about sharing ideas and settings and very helpful for less experienced members to gain an insight into what you can do in the Mandelbulber software.

The latest challenge at the time of writing this was #landscape_challenge As I nearly always use it fr landscape I thought I best enter something (normally too busy doing videos and making mandelbulber landscapes!). Part of the rules are to enter the settings of your fractal so others can use and learn and/or experiment with it. Facebook, despite the glorious rebranding recently, still doesn't allow more than 8000 characters in the comments and even though my settings aren't 8000 it still counts them weirdly and fails it, so I'll post them using this blog. It also means no facebook users can use these settings if you so wish as I'm sharing it to the world. This fractal will appear in a youtube music video in November 2021. If reading this later then check out my video page to see it.

# Mandelbulber settings file

# version 2.25

# only modified parameters


ambient_occlusion_enabled true;

ambient_occlusion_mode 1;

ambient_occlusion_quality 2;

anim_keyframe_dir C:\Users\inzad\Fractals\Spacesurf\Foggy Castle\;

background_3_colors_enable false;

background_color_1 cc00 8800 0000;

background_color_2 ef00 c100 0500;

background_color_3 5400 0f00 6200;

basic_fog_color cd00 ff00 fa00;

basic_fog_enabled true;

basic_fog_visibility 0.93547;

boolean_operators true;

brightness 1.1;

camera 0.548624143475617 0.00689788196389638 0.220693602036064;

camera_distance_to_target 0.0292743114315933;

camera_rotation 139.76048626295 -18.0490786749621 11.5200157069495;

camera_top -0.348563318463002 -0.102735948076078 0.931637771880772;

DE_factor 0.2;

DOF_focus 0.137368336319923;

DOF_radius 0.5;

file_background D:\DAZ\HDRs\starmap_8k.jpg;

flight_last_to_render 0;

fog_color_1 5e00 6500 a700;

fog_color_2 7000 7c00 9900;

fog_color_3 9000 c800 c800;

formula_1 19;

formula_2 190;

formula_3 610;

formula_4 210;

formula_material_id_2 3;

formula_material_id_3 6;

formula_material_id_4 7;

formula_position_2 0.550591768816125 0.000333033482710136 0.219704658240526;

formula_position_3 0.5 0.2 0.011;

formula_position_4 0.6 0.0005 -0.01;

formula_repeat_3 0.125 0.125 0;

formula_repeat_4 0.04 0.043 0;

formula_rotation_2 1.06 15.33 103.43;

formula_scale_2 0.00205;

formula_scale_3 0.05;

formula_scale_4 0.06;

fov 53.130102354156;

frames_per_keyframe 30;

gamma 0.65;

glow_color_1 c000 c100 5e00;

glow_color_2 ff00 9800 5c00;

glow_intensity 0.616595;

hdr_blur_enabled true;

hdr_blur_radius 3;

image_height 720;

image_proportion 4;

image_width 1280;

julia_c_3 1 0 0;

keyframe_last_to_render 0;

light1_color ff00 ef00 bd00;

light1_intensity 1.34;

light1_is_defined true;

light1_penetrating false;

light1_relative_position false;

light1_rotation -74.05 16.14 0;

light1_soft_shadow_cone 0.95;

light2_color ff00 b600 9400;

light2_intensity 0.00028789751237487;

light2_is_defined true;

light2_penetrating false;

light2_position 0.55771210992263 0.133637573817695 0.15;

light2_size 0.04;

light2_visibility 1000;

light3_color ee00 9400 5800;

light3_intensity 0.00162907096449314;

light3_is_defined true;

light3_penetrating false;

light3_position 0.876550135078674 -0.246002038002204 0.2;

light3_size 0.04;

light3_visibility 1000;

light4_color 8200 8000 4d00;

light4_enabled true;

light4_intensity 9.6540781614898e-06;

light4_is_defined true;

light4_position 1.07377540886102 0.00143819193888394 0.548655729095228;

light4_visibility 0.25;

light5_color 9c00 bd00 8c00;

light5_enabled true;

light5_intensity 0.00048828125;

light5_is_defined true;

light5_position 0.550591768816125 0.000333033482710136 0.219704658240526;

light5_visibility 0.125;

light6_color 5d00 7100 b500;

light6_enabled true;

light6_intensity 6.6430987893919e-05;

light6_is_defined true;

light6_position 0.56305374230944 -0.00123914490349483 0.106202418836858;

light6_visibility 0.015625;

light7_color 5d00 7100 b500;

light7_enabled true;

light7_intensity 0.0002;

light7_is_defined true;

light7_position 0.586201515787161 -0.0494648836631981 0.119052359720823;

light7_visibility 0.25;

light8_color 5d00 7100 b500;

light8_enabled true;

light8_intensity 0.0002;

light8_is_defined true;

light8_position 0.581779511085575 0.05 0.11514057569277;

light8_visibility 0.25;

mat1_coloring_speed 1.25;

mat1_is_defined true;

mat1_metallic false;

mat1_specular 1;

mat1_specular_width 1;

mat1_surface_color_gradient 0 a18e44 2500 7c725b 5000 bbbe76 7500 d9a859;

mat2_fresnel_reflectance true;

mat2_is_defined true;

mat2_name gold;

mat2_reflectance 0.72;

mat2_reflections_color ff00 da00 9000;

mat2_specular_color ff00 ed00 d700;

mat2_specular_metallic_roughness 0.2;

mat2_specular_width 0.053;

mat2_surface_color ff00 b200 1700;

mat2_transparency_index_of_refraction 10;

mat2_use_colors_from_palette false;

mat3_fresnel_reflectance true;

mat3_is_defined true;

mat3_metallic false;

mat3_name black stone;

mat3_reflectance 1;

mat3_specular 1;

mat3_specular_width 0.578;

mat3_surface_color 0000 0000 0000;

mat3_transparency_index_of_refraction 2;

mat3_use_colors_from_palette false;

mat4_fresnel_reflectance true;

mat4_is_defined true;

mat4_metallic false;

mat4_name glass;

mat4_reflectance 1;

mat4_specular 40;

mat4_specular_width 0.054;

mat4_transparency_color fb00 ff00 f900;

mat4_transparency_interior_color 1900 3f00 0000;

mat4_transparency_of_interior 0.934444444444444;

mat4_transparency_of_surface 1;

mat4_use_colors_from_palette false;

mat5_fresnel_reflectance true;

mat5_is_defined true;

mat5_name metal;

mat5_reflectance 1;

mat5_specular_metallic_roughness 0.4;

mat5_surface_color 8700 8700 8700;

mat5_transparency_index_of_refraction 7;

mat5_use_colors_from_palette false;

mat6_fresnel_reflectance true;

mat6_is_defined true;

mat6_metallic false;

mat6_name black stone;

mat6_reflectance 1;

mat6_specular 1;

mat6_specular_width 0.578;

mat6_surface_color 0000 0000 0000;

mat6_surface_color_gradient 0 8efd65 1000 698403 2000 fff59b 3000 f5bd22 4000 808731 5000 bdf365 6000 6fdb5e 7000 ddee3e 8000 d4ffd4 9000 aba53c;

mat6_transparency_index_of_refraction 2;

mat7_is_defined true;

mat7_metallic false;

mat7_name green plastic;

mat7_specular 1;

mat7_specular_width 1;

mat7_surface_color 0000 ff00 0000;

mat7_surface_color_gradient 0 48e110 1000 4ddcbe 2000 55dc6c 3000 96b454 4000 2bad2f 5000 57ebd0 6000 3b652f 7000 14561c 8000 d4e061 9000 4d9206;

target 0.530643968418207 -0.0143490427429687 0.21162349700913;

textured_background true;

view_distance_max 1.5;

volumetric_fog_colour_1_distance 1.13483053945802e-05;

volumetric_fog_colour_2_distance 2.26966107891604e-05;

volumetric_fog_density 0.25;

volumetric_fog_distance_factor 9.07864431566415e-05;

volumetric_fog_enabled true;


analyticDE_scale_1 0.8;

cadd -1.197;

IFS_rotation_enabled true;


IFS_rotation_enabled true;

transf_scale_3 2.2;


donut_factor 2.6;

donut_ring_radius 1.8;

donut_ring_thickness 0.09;

IFS_rotation_enabled true;


analyticDE_scale_1 0.5;

IFS_rotation_enabled true;

transf_scaleA_2 2.2;

transf_scaleC_1 2;



0;0.548624143475617;0.00689788196389638;0.220693602036064;0.530643968418207;-0.0143490427429687;0.21162349700913;-0.348563318463002;-0.102735948076078;0.931637771880772;-1.197;0.8;0 a18e44 2500 7c725b 5000 bbbe76 7500 d9a859;49152;49408;24064;65280;38912;23552;1.13483053945802e-05;2.26966107891604e-05;9.07864431566415e-05;1e-15;24064;25856;42752;28672;31744;39168;36864;51200;51200;1.5


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