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Mandelbulber fractal settings for 'The 5th Quadrant' 360 image

Writer's picture: nepenthesslothnepenthessloth

This was an image created for my 'Friday Free sixty' series on facebook - click here to see 360 degree image library, - where I tried and do 360 degree image every week (aim for Friday) but also it was an entry into a Mandelbulber facebook page 'challenge' #quadrat_challenge

The image above is a 'flat' image from a section of the 360 image - click here to see the full imagev - This image is a draft space scifi composition, looking into an idea for a new music video.

Part of the conditions of the challenge is to post and share the Mandelbulber settings, so others and enjoy or learn from it. So I'm posting on here so anyone else can view and use them. In this case there is lots of additional animation with it but with this you get the fractal 'portal' part of it.

# Mandelbulber settings file

# version 2.26

# only modified parameters


ambient_occlusion 1.2;

ambient_occlusion_enabled true;

ambient_occlusion_mode 1;

background_3_colors_enable false;

boolean_operators true;

camera 0 0 0.3;

camera_distance_to_target 4;

camera_rotation 0 0 5.84793856585084;

camera_top 0.101888664288431 0 0.994795808238816;

contrast 1.1;

detail_level 2;

DOF_monte_carlo true;

dont_add_c_constant_5 true;

fake_lights_color e600 ff00 ff00;

fake_lights_intensity 2;

fake_lights_max_iter 1;

fake_lights_orbit_trap 0 0 -0.5;

fake_lights_orbit_trap_shape line;

fake_lights_orbit_trap_size 0.5;

fake_lights_thickness 0.5;

fake_lights_visibility 0;

file_background C:\Users\inzad\mandelbulber\textures\transparent.png;

formula_1 238;

formula_2 238;

formula_3 238;

formula_4 238;

formula_6 238;

formula_material_id_5 3;

formula_position_1 0 3 0.25;

formula_position_2 3 0 0.25;

formula_position_3 -3 0 0.25;

formula_position_4 0 -3 0.25;

formula_position_5 0 0 -8;

formula_position_6 0 0 -2.3;

formula_rotation_1 0 0 -170;

formula_rotation_2 0 0 100;

formula_rotation_3 0 -1.02 100;

formula_rotation_4 0 0 10;

formula_rotation_5 12.41 131.92 -129.67;

formula_scale_1 1.6;

formula_scale_2 1.6;

formula_scale_3 1.6;

formula_scale_4 1.6;

formula_scale_5 2;

formula_scale_6 0.5;

fov 360;

fractal_constant_factor_1 1 -0.3 0.3;

fractal_constant_factor_2 1 -0.3 0.3;

fractal_constant_factor_3 1 -0.3 0.3;

fractal_constant_factor_4 1 -0.3 0.3;

fractal_constant_factor_5 4 1.6 1.4;

fractal_constant_factor_6 0.6 0.4 1;

glow_color_2 da00 f300 f300;

glow_intensity 2.4;

image_height 4096;

image_proportion 6;

image_width 8192;

julia_c_1 1.4 -0.11 0;

julia_c_2 1.4 -0.11 0;

julia_c_3 1.4 -0.114014938271604 0;

julia_c_4 1.4 -0.110337037037036 0;

julia_c_5 0.15 -0.121742617421124 0;

julia_mode_1 true;

julia_mode_2 true;

julia_mode_3 true;

julia_mode_4 true;

julia_mode_5 true;

keyframe_last_to_render 0;

light1_is_defined true;

light1_position 0 0 3;

light1_rotation 104.89 7.94 0;

light1_visibility 0;

light2_color b800 e800 e400;

light2_enabled true;

light2_intensity 0.08125;

light2_is_defined true;

light2_position 0 0 0;

light2_visibility 0;

light3_color e400 f500 f300;

light3_is_defined true;

light3_position 0 -5 0;

mat1_coloring_speed 0.5;

mat1_file_color_texture D:\X-Art data\Textures\blue crystal.jpg;

mat1_is_defined true;

mat1_specular_metallic 4;

mat1_specular_plastic_enable false;

mat1_surface_gradient_enable false;

mat1_use_color_texture true;

mat2_coloring_speed 1.25;

mat2_fresnel_reflectance true;

mat2_is_defined true;

mat2_name colored glass;

mat2_reflectance 1;

mat2_reflectance_gradient 0 efeba8 2500 8c52ff 5000 ffd7db 7500 fcfcfc;

mat2_reflectance_gradient_enable true;

mat2_specular 30;

mat2_specular_color ff00 ff00 ff00;

mat2_specular_metallic_roughness 0.05;

mat2_specular_width 0.081;

mat2_surface_color ff00 ff00 0000;

mat2_surface_color_gradient 0 efeba8 2500 8c52ff 5000 ffd7db 7500 fcfcfc;

mat2_transparency_gradient 0 efeba8 2500 8c52ff 5000 ffd7db 7500 fcfcfc;

mat2_transparency_gradient_enable true;

mat2_transparency_of_interior 0.974355347784668;

mat2_transparency_of_surface 1;

mat3_color_texture_intensity 0.7;

mat3_file_color_texture D:\X-Art data\Textures\pawel-czerwinski-OOFSqPWjCt0-unsplash.jpg;

mat3_fresnel_reflectance true;

mat3_is_defined true;

mat3_metallic false;

mat3_name gold;

mat3_reflectance 0.72;

mat3_reflections_color ff00 da00 9000;

mat3_rough_surface true;

mat3_shading 0.3;

mat3_specular_color ff00 ed00 d700;

mat3_specular_metallic 4;

mat3_specular_metallic_roughness 0.2;

mat3_specular_plastic_enable false;

mat3_specular_width 0.053;

mat3_surface_color ff00 b200 1700;

mat3_surface_roughness 0.08;

mat3_texture_center 0.7 0 0.3;

mat3_texture_mapping_type 0;

mat3_texture_rotation 21.16 0 0;

mat3_texture_scale 1 2 1;

mat3_transparency_index_of_refraction 10;

mat3_use_color_texture true;

mat3_use_colors_from_palette false;

mat4_fresnel_reflectance true;

mat4_is_defined true;

mat4_name yellow glass;

mat4_reflectance 1;

mat4_specular 30;

mat4_specular_color ff00 ff00 ff00;

mat4_specular_metallic_roughness 0.05;

mat4_specular_width 0.081;

mat4_surface_color e400 ff00 fb00;

mat4_transparency_color ed00 ff00 fe00;

mat4_transparency_interior_color ed00 ff00 ff00;

mat4_transparency_of_interior 0.974355347784668;

mat4_transparency_of_surface 1;

mat4_use_colors_from_palette false;

perspective_type equirectangular;

primitive_sphere_1_empty true;

primitive_sphere_1_enabled true;

primitive_sphere_1_material_id 4;

primitive_sphere_1_position 0 0 -3.5;

primitive_sphere_1_radius 2;

primitive_torus_1_enabled true;

primitive_torus_1_radius 3;

primitive_torus_1_radius_lpow 4;

primitive_torus_1_tube_radius 0.4;

primitive_water_1_boolean_operator 0;

primitive_water_1_enabled true;

raytraced_reflections true;

saturation 1.2;

target 0 4 0.3;

textured_background true;

volumetric_fog_colour_1_distance 0.15;

volumetric_fog_colour_2_distance 0.3;

volumetric_fog_density 0.25;

volumetric_fog_distance_factor 0.3;


transf_addition_constant 0.4 0.2 0;

transf_constant_multiplier_122 0.3 1.8 1.8;

transf_offset_1 1.2;

transf_rotation -74.65 -6.79 162.43;


transf_addition_constant 0.4 0.2 0;

transf_constant_multiplier_122 0.3 1.8 1.8;

transf_offset_1 1.2;

transf_rotation -74.65 -6.79 162.43;


transf_addition_constant 0.4 0.2 0;

transf_constant_multiplier_122 0.3 1.8 1.8;

transf_offset_1 1.2;

transf_rotation -74.649864 -6.788975 162.428741;


transf_addition_constant 0.4 0.2 0;

transf_constant_multiplier_122 0.3 1.8 1.8;

transf_offset_1 1.2;

transf_rotation -74.65 -6.79 162.43;


transf_addition_constantA_000 -0.6 -0.4 -0.8;

transf_constant_multiplier_122 0.4 1.7 1.8;

transf_constant_multiplier_221 0.06 1.4 0.3;

transf_function_enabled_false true;

transf_function_enabledA_false true;

transf_function_enabledT_false true;

transf_offset_1 1.3;

transf_offsetA_1 0.4;

transf_rotation 44.370401 -7.752425 -167.774877;

transf_stop_iterations_D1 3;


transf_constant_multiplier_122 0.2 1.3 2.1;

transf_function_enabledD_false true;

transf_offset_1 0.9;

transf_rotation 60.488501 0 0;

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